Reading my Google Plus feed I caught the following post by @chrisbrogan
“My little boy, 5, is playing Tetris with a kid in Japan VIA his Nintendo DSi. We live in the future.”
If we take a minute and look back, we can see how different the world is from when we grew up. I remember one of the turning points in my life was when Don Tito, my dad, bought me a Game Gear and my brother Javier a Game Boy. One of the most complicated things was that we wanted to play with each other but due to the different platforms, it was not possible. I am not sure how that would have happened on a portable device when we where kids even if we both had the same device it would involve a cable that would link us together although both of us where only a few feet away.
At that moment in the 90’s it was fairly easy to have an idea who your kids where contacting and interacting with. When I see an update like Chris’ it reminds me of how things have changed.
A New Level of Competition
Another interesting thought was that Chris Brogan’s son needs to have polished skills. These new techonologies have raised the level of competition and has brought everything to a new standard (global). As parents we need to bring our “A Game” and do a great job like our friend Chris who is up to date with who his kids are interacting with. If Chris can do it with his hectic schedule there is no excuse for most of us to not know who are kids are talking with.
And yes like Chris said we are living in the future.
photo credit by xabi