One of the best things I gained from living at my previous neighborhood was a friendship with someone who became my neighbor a few weeks after I moved in. You see, I later found out, they were distant relatives of mine. Don Tomas and his wife have become much more than that over time. They have supported us in many ways. When Lucy was pregnant they used to accompany her to the doctor’s appointments, when I could not go. Tomas was the first person that arrived at my house when robbers broke in while Lucy was in the house. Overall Don Tomas and his wife have done a lot of remarkable things for me and Lucy.
Don Tomas has become a close family member and someone I highly appreciate. Over the last year we no longer live down the street so I can’t walk a few house and have a chat with him. Being a new parent and running my small business has also created more tasks that make it difficult for us to make time to go visit them.
Over the years I have known Don Tomas he is always full of energy. Most of the time he is listening but when he speaks he offers great advice. For me it is difficult to look at him as only a retired police officer as his knowledge puts him on top of some of the brightest people I have met. I am sure he was an awesome police officer but being how great of a person he is, he could have been great at many other things.
Don Tomas came to visit the family a few weeks ago. He wanted to see my daughter who turned 8 months. As always we spoke about many things the economy, how business is going for me, and me being a new dad.
After a few minutes into the conversation Don Tomas stated that now that I am a Dad I could understand how much I was loved as a child.
I guess that I had felt it but had not really thought about it in that way. I have been grateful that my parents took care of me in my childhood and gave me what I needed. Yes there where many obstacles such as my parent’s illnesses but overall I have to say my parents did an awesome job with the limited resources they had.
I have to thank Don Tomas for helping me channel these feelings. I am thankful for Don Tomas making me understand something that I have felt since my daughter was born months ago.
Now I know how much I was loved and I have to be more grateful of it everyday. In my life many have loved me and they all put in their effort to help me succeed.
To all of you, even if you are not parents, you have stepped in one way or another to make another child’s life better. If you are an awesome parent or are helping a parent be one, on behalf of myself and the alliance Bravo!
We need more people like Don Tomas in this world that can help us step back and realize how grateful we should be.
A good neighbor is more valuable than a far away relative. So says the Bible in Proverbs.