I see many efforts appear online and/or offline and disappear never hearing from them again. Something I have learned over using these online platforms from using IRC chats, ICQ, to know preferring to communicate and engage mostly on Google+ you need to be consistent and continue creating no matter the obstacles that are put in front of you.
Last month when the original Kony video was aired it took me days to finally sit down and watch it. It was published a day before I was taking off towards SXSW. Thankfully my partner @lucymfel uploaded the video and created a post on it.
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/#!/cc_chapman/status/187877481796214784″]
Part II
Today I woke up to a tweet by someone I admire @cc_chapman with the link of the new YouTube video for the campaign titled “Kony 2012: Part II – Beyond Famous“.
Regardless of how some might feel negatively of this campaign I have to give my support the creators of this campaign by at least sharing it with you. One of the reasons I created Papaheroes was to look for ways to keep young ones safe and I think this effort goes right in line with the main objetive of our site.
I am sure if I wrote more about my experiences (my point of view) of some humanitarian relief efforts the military does some people might feel I am crazy, some other might even come after me, but years I realize some things don’t change much.
One of the reasons I left the military was related to the supposed Humanitarian relief actions they where conducting in Central America which I was a part of. I realized in a short time that they where more tied towards the bigger interests than truly helping the people.

Counting how many pictures they took. 1st time they had seen a digital Camera. It was Sony Mavica FD (for Floppy Disk)
Yes a small part of the populations we helped benefited but in reality the bigger interests got the loaf of bread while others got the breadcrumbs.
If you don’t agree with the Kony Effort I highly recommend looking for a cause you believe in and working towards helping that cause. As humans I see how in many occasions we try to sabotage the efforts of others just because we see it a different way.
I feel that the Kony Campaign has a set objective and I applaud them once again for continuing under all the obstacles and issues they have confronted in just one month.
A Clear Message
The emphasize the importance of Creating awareness and they also focus on, protection of civilians, plans of rehabilitation and reconstruction, and their main goal of arresting top LRA leadership.
They are also very clear with the actions they would like you to take with the “Here is the plan” message:
- Form at Team with your friends
- Contact your policy makers
- Serve your community
- Promote Justice for Joseph Kony
Just as the campaign says there is “Nothing is to Small” that can be done to improve the well being of others with the ultimate goal of creating a better world.
What small action are you taking this week and every week after to improve the well being of others?