Papá, Pop, Daddy, Dad, Papi, Daddy Pig, and Raul are all the names Daniela uses when she talks to her Papá. One of the first times we heard her call to her Papá was not saying the typical “Da” or “Pa”, it was “Rau.” At first we thought she was acting like a cat but that would be more like “Meow” and we have a dog.
It wasn’t until one day she went to the bottom of the stairs in our previous living space and she was calling up to “Rau” that I realized she was imitating me when I would call Raul for dinner or lunch while he was in the office.
The Luckiest Girl I know
Our daughter is a lucky girl because she has a dad that from day one chose to be present and willing to do whatever it took to be by her side. We restructured our lives to make sure we could be with her and he decided to be a Work from Home/Stay at Home Dad. Lots of people won’t understand his decision and very few did and do. If Daniela wants his attention, unless it is a phone call he can’t get off of, he will stop what he is doing, and provide full attention.
From the first day he had Daniela in his arms, he was taking care of her better than I was. He was changing diapers, feeding, cleaning, working, taking care of the groceries, and our dog. He is the one who buys her clothes because I have no fashion sense whatsoever. Where I am weak, I thank the heavens he is strong.
Papá Raul is a Hero
Have you ever seen Johnny Storm from Fantastic Four when he says “Flame On” and he jets out to attack? Raul is faster than him when Daniela gets bumps and bruises. If she falls he knocks over anything in his way to get to her quickly and make sure she is not hurt or has broken bones. He is very patient when I am not and he tells her he loves her all the time.
On our first family / conference trip, he had worked out most of the details almost a year in advance. After much crying about not wanting to leave the dog or worrying about the finances, and even worrying about Daniela, I went along for the ride and as a family we had a memorable experience. Not only was this trip a time to regroup professionally, but also it was one to do first time things with Daniela. We thank him for all of his hard work and dedication to make us happy.
For all the wonderful times in the past and all the many more ahead, we love you Papi, Papá, Dad, Daddy, and Raul!