These last couple of days I have had to plan and strategize meals, naps, and bath times since Raul is at #SXSW. We also thank the @SanJuanMarriott , Sponsors of his trip, for the opportunity for him to meet new people this year and meet up with old friends.
Planning the Day and Meals
We are vegans and vegetarians in our home so we made sure to look at the calendar and make sure that we were able to get our organics prior to Raul’s departure. We also stocked up on items from the health food store and local grocery store. We are lucky that I can walk to a grocery store with the baby in case I need to pick something up that I have forgotten.
I have made meals in bulk during the time Daniela is eating breakfast or playing with the toys in the kitchen. This has made it easier for me to focus on her needs when she is crying or wants to be nursed. When Raul is around and I am cooking, he will quickly come down and entertain her. But since I don’t have an extra set of hands, I am cooking things that take longer like potatoes, sweet potatoes, or brown rice while she is entertained eating her oatmeal or yogurt.
We also schedule Face-Time with Raul during the morning and phone calls while Daniela is up and alert. These days since she is aware that he is gone, it is important for her to hear his voice and see him. We also take the time to discuss any business related topics.
GQTD Getting Quiet Things Done at Nap Time
Since we have family members who are visiting from the states and they want to see Daniela, we tried to schedule their visit around the time Daniela is up. During the time Daniela is sleeping, I take the opportunity to do quiet chores such as washing clothes (our laundry is on the first floor), writing a post for our blogs, picking up around the house, and getting an activity ready for her to do.
I also will cook the quick things like our vegetables and beans during this time so I won’t have to do them while she is up from her nap. I can also pay attention to our dog who is missing his first mate. I am also making sure that my cell phone batteries are all charged. I have a bad habit of leaving the phone uncharged but I have been keep up with changing the batteries out and charging the phone while not in use.
Afternoon and Evening Time
Since the majority of the cooking is done and Daniela is well rested, we will eat our meals and do an activity such as play with rocks, paint, play with water, or go for a walk. I will also just let her explore. This morning she is playing with water in a bowl an activity that I saw on TLC’s Parentables. This has proven to be entertaining while I am writing this post. And although it will be messy, it is allowing her to explore water outside of her bath time.
During the evenings we have eaten our dinners and gotten ready for bath times. Since Daniela is up for longer periods of time, by about 7:30 p.m. I go and take her a bath and change her into bed time clothes. We go to the room and it is reading corner time. This is where Daniela will go to her books and pick one from the many that she has. She will bring one over to me and we will read. Instead of coming down stairs and listening to music on the T.V., I am choosing to stay upstairs and get her settled into bed. She has been sleeping by 8:30 p.m. and giving me a good break to finish some chores or get ready for the next day.
I have also kept in touch with family members during this time to let them know that we are doing okay and planning when we might stop down to visit. One suggestion from Raul and family members is to wait till Daniela is ready for her nap before heading out. She can sleep in the car seat while I drive the forty minutes to visit with my parents and Great-Grandmother this weekend.
I Salute SingleParents
I commend and have the highest respect for all the singles moms and dads who don’t have a partner around all the time and have to be both parents. Both of my sisters, at one time during their lives, had to be mom and dad for their children. Luckily they are with great partners who step in and help out immensly. I have proven to myself that with planning and organizing myself, I can accomplish many things with Raul away.
How do you handle your partner being away at conferences?
Are there any other tips you can give me to help me strategize and plan my days?