“Use your common sense Lucilla”, where famous words that my dad used to tell me if I was doing something wrong. I detested those words because he really made me think about what I was doing wrong and how to make it right.
So it is no surprise to me that someone somewhere decided to make a site dedicated to using common sense when it comes to gadgets, video games, movies, apps, music, and more. CommonSense.org is the name of the site that can help parents with a wide variety of topics with parent reviews.
They have you choose a topic and provide information for children in the age range you have chosen. When I worked at the McGivney Community Center in Bridgeport, I found myself needing to research the latest music and movies that were age appropriate for the kids.
I remember going on a trip and asking one of the adolescents about the music he was listening too. I put the headphones and heard music that had a lot of swearing in it. I asked him if his parent’s knew he was listening to this group and he stated that since his mother and father only spoke Spanish, they did not know understand the lyrics or the type of music he and his brother were listening too. They do offer some information in Spanish. I wish this would have been around for the parents I worked with at the center who only spoke Spanish.
The CommonSense.org site gives you a list of music that they deem clean and appropriate for your child at any age. Know I am not an extremist like Tipper Gore, but there is some music that we are careful to play around my nephews when they come to visit from Connecticut. Although it is up to their mom and dad to be strict, when they are with us, we try to limit the rap music we listen too.
I’d suggest giving the site a good look and see what video games are too violent and what movies this summer might have a swear word or two.
If you have an iPhone, you can download their app. Are your tweens dragging you to the movies to see Super 8? Find out if it is appropriate for them before you purchase those tickets by downloading their app.
I really think this is a great tool. Poor Daniela by the time she is old enough to listen to Music there will be so many tools to monitor her it is going to be hard for her to get away with it.
Great Post Lucy!
Where there is a will there is a way LOL