My nephews are always teaching me something new even if the don’t know it at the time of their actions or phrases. My nephew Daniel settled a discussion amongst adults when we were deciding on baby names and he stated that we should just name our daughter Daniela. We took his advice and that is her name.
What is Kony 2012?
Last night after my daughter had gone to sleep, I decided to check on one of our efforts to get a little dog adopted and I saw my nephew Michael’s status on Facebook that read, “wat is Kony 2012” (that is what he wrote). One of his friends added a link and it piqued my curiosity. I thought all sorts of things being that he is going to be thirteen this weekend. But what I saw surprised me and shocked me.
I clicked on the link and it took me to vimeo where a video was about to play under the title Invisible Children.
What will you do after this video?
Once I finished watching the video I wrote to my nephew who had updated his status to say, ” This Kony dude is horrible.” I have to agree with my nephew and after watching the video, I decided that I wanted to write something about what I saw. I saw that @Invisible Children had started trending under #StopKony on Twitter. I tried to go into some links but because of all the traffic the sites are getting they were down. They updated on Facebook, new links to purchase kits.
As a new parent, I saw the bond between parent and child and how the parent in the video is teaching his son to stand up for what he believes in and the rights of those who don’t have power. I also thought of all the energy I put into being frustrated about the little things, go away immediately if someone were to ever harm our daughter.
Kony is your worse nightmare
Kony is every parent’s worse nightmare and even though he maybe in Uganda, he could be living right next door to you. Imagine all the money and resources the towns and states in the U.S. put into hunting down one child when they are missing. Imagine the herculean effort @Invisible Children, parents, and citizens in the country of Uganda must face when there are over 30, 000 children, kidnapped, tortured, enslaved, and made to kill their own parents.
If we can put our energy into learning about the Presidential candidates who are supposed to help make the U.S. and its territories better places to live, learn about Kony 2012 and stop this montster. Make your local congressman and women aware of what is going on in Uganda to innocent children and their families.
What will your community do to bring awareness about Joseph Kony?
Are there local organizations that you are a part of that help bring awareness of child abuse or enslavement?
Thanks to @Invisible Children and all those who believe in saving and helping children no matter how far or near.
Please, read these and inform yourselves: (this one is a series of blogs, read from the bottom one to the top one)
Check their sources and get to your own conclusions.
Julio I have read the positive and negative sides to this video during the week and am aware that there are people who have questions concerning the effort being done by Invisible Children. My opinion and ideas are from the parent’s perspective in that no child or parent should have to be afraid of anyone harming them. Also teaching your children to actually fight for something other than theirs toys is also something worth learning about. I thank you for stopping by the blog and posting the information that shows other people’s perspectives and as a new parent I am still learning how to use my head and heart when it comes to issues regarding abuse towards children.
Yes, the young ones tap right into the heart of the matter which is to stand up against the wrongs of this world. It’s the adults worried about money, corporations & politics that cloud up these efforts.
I also agree that we should teach our children to stand up to things that are wrong but take it even further and arm them with leadership skills to tackle these issues.