In the 3+ years as a dad I have realized that my daughter communicates very differently than I do. I also have seen how she has evolved in expressing how she feels.
The title of this post reminds me of the contrast of, Everything is Awesome, which is the theme song of the Lego Movie.
Different to our kids or the younger individuals in our lives, as adults we begin to resist and stop the urge to just say anything that comes to our minds.
Yuck and Yucky
For the past week or so my daughter has been calling everything that she does not want to experience or do as, “Yucky.”
If she rather do something or avoid what we have suggested, she says, “Yucky.”
Going to bed is “Yucky”, rocking her in the rocking chair to take a nap is,“Yucky”, telling her to bring her dishes to the sink is, you guessed it, “Yucky!”
Everything is not Awesome
Our daughter’s response of, “Yucky” reminds me of how we get pulled into things that are not beneficial to ourselves, yet we decide to continue with them.
Having a 3 year old reminds me, if I am not in the mood to do something I can step away.
Yes there are other things in life which we are responsible for and it might not be that easy to step away. But even then we might need to dig deeper and see if that is what we really want.
By analyzing what makes any situation uncomfortable or not desirable, I try to find a practical and quick way to move on or persuade our daughter into doing what I need her to do. That way she can turn her, “Yuck!” into “Awesome!”
How do your kids express themselves when something is uncomfortable or they just don’t want to do something they need to do?
What approach do you take?
Hahahahahahah… . . . nice story dear 🙂 i have just only one daughter and she is so cute and responsible for me because she is not look like other child’s who are vary naughty. i really love my daughter
Thanks for the comment Alena. I am sure the way you take care of her is a reflection of the way she takes care of you.
I think I still use the word “Icky” from time to time. I recall my daughter loved saying “Yucky” when she was a child. As an adult, I think my daughter now says, “Really Dad?” Aaah, the differences of youth and adult!
In work, I think we can step away, but unless you are the leader, that step away has a certain leash attached and you can only go so far. And the leash lengths vary depending on how things are structured! The answer? Treat the job you have as if you were the owner of that company. Sometimes it does not matter your mood, the job just needs doing. ICKY!
Cherish these moments with your daughter and capture as much as you can to relive later…together…it will bring you both great joy!
One thing Raul says to me all the time is to just get it done. I think after coming back from our trip, I am glad we got things done ahead of time in order to regroup. We heard less of the “Yucky” word while traveling. Thanks for the advice Ron!