As a new dad something that crosses my mind in more occasions than I would like is what will happen if I am no longer here. As a parent you want to be able to provide for your children and it brings some discomfort to my stomach just thinking of such an event. What will happen to us? a post by @ricklipsett really inspired this post by provoking many thoughts that usually go around in my head.
Our Future Plans
We all have plans for the future, but what happens if we don’t have a future?
Given the current economical difficulties that many families are struggling with, I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose a key provider to the family. Thankfully now most families have more than one provider but the burden to carry is still heavy.
Yes I do understand that there are ways where you can pay for life insurance to make sure that if anything happens there will be some sort of compensation to help your family over the huge hurdles they will be approaching.
Part Time Job
Raising my daughter is a part-time job for me since Lucy takes a great load of the work enabling me to focus more on the business and get things out of the way. Every time I step in which is 25% of the time, I see what a heavy load Lucy has to handle 75% of the time. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have that load 100% of the time without any help.
For those single parents a big bravo and applause to you. It is admirable what you have to go through to raise your kids.
I am sure this thought has crossed the minds of many of you. I just wanted to know what ideas come to your head when those thoughts arise?
We all would love to be like Superman and be immortal but the reality of being a Papa Hero is that one-day our bodies will no longer function and we won’t be here physically!
How can we facilitate for those that stay survive any unexpected circumstance?
photo credit by jurvetson
First of all, let me correct you. Superman is not immortal. Although his genetic structure allows him to overcome the passage of time thanks to our Sun’s energy (his source of power) constantly revitalizing him, he can be killed. Actually he was killed once already.
Having said that, and further proving that I am a geek, I come back to the topic at hand.
What I do is talk about it, with the people who will be left behind if i should go to the other side of the fence before my time. Recently I spoke to my wife about it, and the conversation is scheduled to happen soon with my parents and my children’s Godparents. Although on my part, I was thinking more in the lines of taking care of them emotionally and the sort. I suppose I should include the monetary equation in the conversation. Great thought provoking article, mafrén.
You where the initial provoker of thoughts… I think these are difficult conversations many of us should have but are not easy to have.
I think I will have the same conversation also. 🙂