Papa Heroes was founded in 2011 by Rick Lipsett , Raúl Colón , and Lucilla Feliciano along with other founding collaborators inspired by the need of a blog with parenting tips focusing mainly on the risks technology can bring to children from a group of dads and moms with diverse backgrounds.
Although our main focus is the protection of our children, we will be sharing our thoughts and overall ideas of parenting. We are also planning to offer a bilingual platform where some of the content will be in both languages. You don’t have to be a "Papá" (Dad in Spanish) to participate, just make sure you are able to see life from a parent's perspective.
As daddy and mommy bloggers we would love to hear your feedback.
Inquiries or questions regarding Papa Heroes? Feel free to contact us directly.

Favorite Super Hero
Super Hero Weakness
Root Beer
Favorite Quote
"Love Everyone Trust No One and there are always exceptions to the rule"
As a kid watching el Chapulin Colorado I was always trying to answer the call of “Quien Podra Defenderme” (who will be able to defend me?). My taste in comic books ranged from X-men to Wolverine. But I wanted the world to be more like Archie and JugHead, I have always been in constant search of helping those in need.
As a fan of GI Joe winning over Cobra at a very early age, I waited for my opportunity to protect the world. At the age of 17 I joined the U.S. Army in search of serving.
After 8 years of serving in the Army and disappointed of not running in to Captain America and Sgt. Slaughter. As a Veteran with an active DOD Security Clearance, I decided to move into the IT Security field.
I invested around 8 years battling hackers, and cybercriminals. Archenemies such as Lex Luther and Mr. Freeze, should not attempt to battle against me. Especially when I am in the position of helping others and protecting their families.
On some occasions I compare myself to Donald Duck, as I can be fun but also extremely explosive. When I see an injustice I do everything possible to correct it.
My life has given me the opportunity to have many mentors how are at the caliber of Master Splinter. Similar to Popeye I get my boost of Energy from spinach and other plant sources by living a vegan lifestyle.
Like Zorro 5 years ago when I became a Dad I felt like I was placed in First Circle of the Master's Wheel. It has been an interesting journey so far and I invite you to come along for the rest.

Favorite Super Hero
Super Hero Weakness
Chocolate Milkshakes
Favorite Quote
"With great power comes great responsibility"~Spiderman
Fighting alongside Superman has left many bruises. Thankfully it has also brought great lessons.
As a teenager, drawing him interacting with my own Superhero characters, I learned how to be responsible with my powers. How to act in favor of the greater good.
Nowadays, when I put on my bright red cape, my kids and I fly off to an excellent adventure, where we fight evil doers or go visit some Ponies that need our attention. We solve complex disputes between Transformers and Barbies or Hotwheels and Polly Pockets.
Whether my Superman cape is bright and bold red, or more of a pinkish pinky pink, I'm a superhero. And, like Spidey says: "With great Power comes Great Responsibility" even when sitting down, watching Toy Story with them while sippin' on my greatest weakness: a chocolate milkshake.
I still draw Superman in between art jobs, use his colors on website designs, and get inspired by him for my art shows. It helps me remember those old important lessons from the never-ending battle of good vs. evil.

Favorite Super Hero
Super Hero Weakness
Daniela's Stare
Favorite Quote
I gotta do what I gotta do - Michael Luperella
With a combined ten years of experience educating elementary children in the Public school System and a Non-Profit Community agency in the metropolis of Bridgeport, CT., I harnessed the power of Truth with the use of my EYES!
My nephew who aptly titled my stare as, “The Look”, crumbled many times before his mom and grandmother, with no choice but to tell the truth about his mischievousness at school.
Forget about Super Woman’s lasso to get people to tell the truth; with just one quick snap of my neck and look at the kids before me, I would make even the toughest bully crumble and tell the truth about the crime they committed against their fellow student.
I keep my superpower of “The Look” tuned-up by eating my all time favorite vegetable, the carrot! But every super heroine has her weakness and mine comes in the form of Daniela, my six-month old daughter.
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Logo (Wide)
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