This post is not about parenting. Actually it could’t be farther off. If I would’ve stayed home being a parent, this article could not have been possible. I have to thank my lovely MasterYaddle for that. She stayed home watching after the Younglins, while I attended this.
A Leap of Faith
When Raúl invited me to be a part of the #140confPR, I replied an empty yes. I even forwarded the invitation to my dear friend Ginny. A few weeks later and almost no research on the subject on my part, the conference arrived! I’m not too comfortable around too many people. Age has stricken me bad in that respect, yet tonight was not unpleasant at all! I got to meet a lot of wonderful human beings whom I’ve only seen on Twitter. Some I didn’t even know about.
Like You and Me
Three hours, was all it took for me to find out that many people on Twitter are actually, people we can all relate. Furthermore, even celebrities, are just regular folks like you and me, once we see them in the same stature as us. Three hours taught me about how others liked me sharing my experiences about parenting, drawing DaddyKnows and being an artist. Three hours of me being social.
Meeting and Sharing
Even though tonight was not an actual #140conf, but rather a #meetup, I got to see @usernames who really are breathing individuals that have a lot to say and a lot to share. I found that people actually want to collaborate. People want to just meet and share and be just like you and me. The only thing that separated us all, was each of our experiences. The same ones we were sharing all over the place.
The State of Now
After tonight, I can’t wait ’till I get the chance to really attend one of @jeffpulver’s The State of Now Conferences (#140conf) and meet people who will change me, move me and motivate me. Stories that will educate, inspire and lead. @Usernames who have a unique voice and are willing to share it with the rest of the world. @Usernames who are not just that. @Usernames who breathe, live, smile and cry. People, just people. Like you. Like me. Thanks @Jeffpulver for changing the way I see things. Thanks for reminding me that there are other huggers out there. People who just want to spread the love. Guys and gals who live for the thrill of reaching others.
Thanks to the @SanJuanMarriott for allowing this group of sharers to unite on their propperty! Thank you @Rj_c and @mark_hayward for the initiative and invite! Thanks to @alanweinkrantz for the brief interview. And thanks again to my buddy, Raúl for putting me on the spot for that interview. My english left me as soon as I grabbed a hold of the mike. Probably did not help at all because of it.
Did you attend #140confPR ? What are your thoughts? Share them below!
I loved the conference – without engagement and empathy, social media wouldn’t be the force it is as Jeff more than eloquently explained. Thanks for sharing the ‘pachó’ with me last night. ¡Aquí a la orden!
Adriana, thanks for stopping by! As soon as you started speaking in english, I thought: “Waitaminute, why did I speak spanish just now? D’oh!”
I saw the video and you guys were fine! What I liked about the video and last night in general was the spectrum of people that were there.
I agree with Lucy both of you did an awesome job!
You both did a great job with the video. I am so happy you got to enjoy the meetup.